viernes, 1 de marzo de 2024


Hi, how are you? I just came from a lunch with my friends, I love those meetings because we talk about everything and we also eat delicious food. Who doesn't love to meet up with friends from school or college? 

I don't know if it happens to you or not, but I love to sit for a while on the benches at the mall to get some air and watch the people walk and look at their outfits. I'm really observant about it. I love to see the clothes and how they match with clothes, shoes and accessories.

So, today I thought I would share with you 15 outfit ideas to look fantastic and amazing. I know you will love these outfits. Let age not matter or limit you when it comes to dress. So, I will give you some tips about 2 colors in trend right now.

The first trending color is pistachio, it looks great with soft tones like lilac, as well as white or beige. You can also wear it with black and gold.

Another color that is very on trend is power blue, this color is very beautiful and this color gives the atmosphere a sense of tranquility, peace and protection. Ideal to combine with neutral tones, corals, greens and earthy tones.

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