martes, 16 de agosto de 2022


Hi girls, how are you? I am very very happy to write again, I love writing, in fact, many years ago I tried to write my own book that has a very good plot. I hope you can read it someday. Even the title is great. The only thing I need to do to publish my book is to know how to put my ideas in order.

Today I bring you a very interesting post and I know you will love it because it is about clay earrings. The great thing about this is that you can do it yourselves and it is very economical. Isn't it great?

Clay earrings are colorful, easy and quick to make, so make these diy's among friends. Polymer clay is a type of clay for modeling anything. It's great for crafting because it stays soft until you put it in a kiln.

The great thing is that polymer clay can be made into a myriad of cool and trendy earrings to wear, sell or give as gifts. 

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